
Does it seem like the internet is overflowing with conflicting opinions about desexing your pet? I certainly thought so during my recent research on the topic. My goal is to shed some light on this complex issue for you.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to desexing cats and dogs. As scientific understanding evolves and our knowledge expands, so do the recommendations on whether and when to spay or neuter your pets.

Each breed has unique considerations. Some may benefit from early spaying or neutering, while others might fare better if they wait until reaching full maturity.

The decision to desex your pet is far from simple, as it involves many factors such as breed, age, general health, lifestyle, and more. We would be delighted to discuss these considerations with you in greater detail.

We offer desexing of Cats and Dogs at Takurua Vets, Please contact us for more information and pricing